Saturday 6 August 2011

Movie Special

Hey guys, last week I mentioned the movie Source Code so I thought I would do a special on movies, i'm going to list my top 10, in no particular order because its too hard to choose a number 1 favourite lol.

1- so im going to start with Source Code just because it what made me think to do this.
i really loved this movie, it was action packed, had a little bit of comedy thrown in, the special effects were amazing, and i couldn't stop talking about it after i seen it.

2- Grind- I love this movie and have watched it a million times, its hilarious and i love skateboarding, awesome movie!

3- Elf- Will Ferrell at his best, every movie of his is great but i really love this one.

4- The Wizard- This movie was my favourite as a kid and is a bit of a tear jerker at the end, but its about an autistic kid who is amazing at playing video games, and enters a major competition.

5- The Ringer- I don't think I have laughed as much as I have watching this movie, and i was the only one in the cinema laughing, so many quotes that I use on an everyday basis lol.

6- Lion King- I think everyone my age loves this movie, and also everyone else loves it, its just a movie that anyone can enjoy.

7- Beavis and Butthead Do America- What can I say, Stupid Humour!

8- School Of Rock- You cant go past school of rock, Jack Black is hilarious, and this movie is way hardcore lol.

9- Stomp the Yard- After I seen this movie all I wanted to do was learn to dance haha.

10- Meet Dave- Another Movie that I couldn't stop laughing in, and once again the only one laughing in the cinema, or the loudest and just couldn't hear anyone else lol.

Ok guys, so that is my top 10 movies, that i can think of at the moment, there are so many others and so hard to choose favourites. 
